1. Take a picture of yourself right now. No primping or preparing. Just snap a picture.
2. Load the picture onto your blog.
3. Tag three people to play. Remember, if you are tagged on another blog, we will all be heading to yours to see if you played along.
And of course a little bit of us...
Lauren turned 16 months on Friday (can hardly believe it) and here are some fun facts about her.
This is the face she ALWAYS has when she recognizes something or someone or is watching something intently. She usually starts babbling uncontrollably once this face appears.
-She is saying a lot of words like....dog, dadda, mom, dink (drink), bball, bubbles, ball, bye-bye, mama cat, bike...
Luke hears more words that she says that I do...I'm not sure why that is
-She is such a daddy's girl. She often times crawls up in Luke's lap and snuggles in with him for a while. It's the sweetest.
-She loves pizza, Popsicles, and pink lemonade.
-She LOVES to laugh...She'll do anything for a good laugh. Which also means she's a bit antagonistic.
-She pushes, pushes, and pushes...We just keep telling her we're going to keep pushing back. Yes, we are already having these conversations with our 16 month old! :/
Her new favorite "toy" is the mirror. She loves to just look at herself and make funny faces.
Then she laughs uncontrollably. It's just hilarious to watch.